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Δευτέρα 29 Οκτωβρίου 2018

Dark Devotion: Σκοτεινή side-scrolling περιπέτεια τύπου Souls

Ας γνωρίσουμε άλλο ένα παιχνίδι τύπου Souls. Μιλάμε για το Dark Devotion, το οποίο είναι side-scrolling action RPG, με pixel art γραφικά. Στο Dark Devotion εξερευνάτε έναν σκοτεινό ναό, γεμάτο εχθρούς. Οι μάχες είναι συνεχείς, σκληρές και ανελέητες και κάθε λάθος μπορεί να σας κοστίσει την ζωή. Το Dark Devotion αναμένεται αρχές 2019 για κονσόλες και PC. Δείτε επίσημα χαρακτηριστικά και βίντεο και πείτε μας αν σας ενδιαφέρει!
• A strong RPG influence: You will have the chance to loot a lot of different weapons, armours and relics, which have their own qualities so that you will be able to create your own build… for better and for worse…
• Items for your salvation: Of course you will be able to heal your wounds or illnesses by consuming the right item. If you have the chance to loot the right one. A lot of other consumables are scattered in the Temple, spend them carefully to survive.
• A blessing/Curse, illness feature: The Temple can be a place of virtue for those who deserve it… If your prowesses are witnessed your God might want to give a hand, who knows? But it can also be a place of despair and sickness if you’re not paying attention to what’s surrounding you.
• Pray for your safety: Kill enemies to collect some Faith. It is necessary to many things such as : unlocking secret paths, various chests, upgrading your unlucky character and more… So use it sparingly.
• Huge areas to contemplate: Each world has 3 or 4 different paths. Each path has its own environment and ambiance. Some of them are inter-connected, watch out getting lost is so easy… But that’s how secrets are found, isn’t it?
• Discover the complex story behind this Temple: Meet the lost ones who populate it, either directly or thanks to letters left behind by lost travelers. Each Npc, monster and boss has its own backstory, if you’re curious you might understand what happened.

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